Sunday, October 11, 2009

Leonardo da Vinci

Da Vinci was a true Renaissance because he was crafting new ideas for art, science, warfare ,etc. Leonardo was an accomplished philosopher, scientist, architect, engineer, painter, designer and physiologist. This was a time when most of these areas of study and areas of new ideas came about. He became accomplished at most of them. Since he was a young boy Da Vinci was interested in nature. He want answer to all of his questions. When Da Vinci grew up he secretly dissected bodies to see the inside and draw them in this note book. Da Vinci did not go to school and since he is left handed he wrote from right to left. This is the Da Vinci code. He wrote down his ideas in his note books and many of his ideas were not tested. Some worked and some didn't. Resurrecting old ideas and creating new ones. This is why Leonardo Da Vinci was a True Renaissance man.